03 August 2009

Why weekend is always so short?

It is Monday again. My last post, I've listed 6 things that I wanted to accomplish over the weekend and ......
  1. Facial for mommy - Not done! Postponed to next weekend as Anney was not feeling too well on Saturday again!
  2. Warehouse sale - Pureen warehouse sale to stock up on my Pureen HAD liquid detergent (for all my cloth diaper) and baby wet wipes - Check! Managed to sneak sometimes to go but the jam was terrible!
  3. Visit my friend newborn baby @ PJ - Check!
  4. Service my car - Not done!
  5. Bring Anney to make her passport - Check!
  6. Blogging and update my blog. So many thing to write but haven't been able to update my blog since Monday! - Not done!
Only 50% done and my list is accumulating! *Sweat*

Have a productive week ahead everyone.


2ma said...

to make it positive, you have at least achieved 50% of your to-do list! gan ba teh!!!

Blog's author said...

2ma: Thanks. Hope I could better managed my time but it is kind of difficult with 2 active kids!

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